Benson has an announcement!

I've been absent here and there and I promise I have a good excuse. REALLY! Look below and Benson's shirt will tell all.

I am currently 13 weeks pregnant and due in February. We have been blessed and couldn't be happier. Benson is learning a little bit about his new title as a big brother, and having a baby in mommies belly. When we asked him whats in mommies tummy he said, "a tiger". Gotta love that kid. He comes up with the cutest stuff. He even put a baby doll in my shirt the other day, and said "look baby in mommies tummy." Its really cute, because he is really starting to get it.

I have had a good 1st trimester. Little queezy and weak, but I know things are looking up and I will be able to keep up with Benson and have my energy back soon. Yesterday I had a session with a family who has a cute two year old. I was sore after the session, because I haven't been that active in a while :) I have to eat every two hours or I become a Preg-zilla. Its true.

We are so excited and we can't wait to find out what we are having in a month or so! Stay tuned and we'll let ya know too.