Benson Is TWO!

This past weekend we celebrated Benson's 2nd birthday party, Polar Bear style.  The reason for a polar bear party: he sleeps with a stuffed polar bear, and calls it PB.  He loves it dearly and doesn't go far with out it. (picture below) Family and friends made it a wonderful time for us and Benson. He was SO excited for the first group of people, and even pulled chairs out for the ladies. (no lie!) Then the second group of peeps came and he got a little emotional. I don't think he knew what to do with all these people in his house. And then by the time everyone was there he was SO excited. All the kids played with Benson's toys and the adults watched and visited. He LOVED the cake and he wasn't the only one. Details of the cake: Made by Kerri Davis- Clovis, NM (thank you) Polar Bear Cake-made from vanilla cake with buttercream frosting polar bears legs and iceberg-made from rice krispy treats with buttercream frosting (MY FAVORITE)

It makes us sad and happy that he is getting older.  Sad because he isn't our little baby anymore (even though we still call him that) and happy that he is growing and learning so many new things each day.

Words he says:

I wuv oo



Chevy and Bailey (our dogs)

I hungby (hungry)

I happy


pay (play)

meek (milk)

nie-nie (night night)

PB and BB (polar bear and blanket)

djooce (juice)

cheese for mac-m-chz

And someone, I honestly don't know who because I can guarantee I didn't teach him this, is he says cheese when you take his picture.  I'm thinking MDO or Children's Center taught him.  And let me just say, I have a bone to pick with you people.


Cooz (Cruz)

He counts too!

Sings Itsy Bitsy Spider and loves the woosh part





And these are just a few.  His vocabulary is growing and growing and he shows us love like we never knew.

Benson, mommy and daddy love you so much!  Thanks for all the singing and dancing and constant hugs. muaw muaw.
