2012 H.S Seniors.Black Book

Remember their session? Well, this is their high school senior shoot printed in style

New Mexico Photographer.Laura-Senior 2010

Senior sessions are by far one of my most favorites. I'm just sayin'. Laura's family came along for her senior session, and I loved that. I love it when the family keeps it real and gives support. We did her session in good 'ol Farwell, Tx. I love that little town :)Here are the favorites from her session...

Clients who make me happy

I have been blessed with great clients over the past 3 1/2 years I've been in business. My clients honestly have become friends of mine too. I have been thinking today about them (you) and they (you) put a smile on my face.A few things they have done that make me smile: Thank you letters in the mail: One girl sent me a thank you note that she had made. She loves to do scrap book stuff and and made me a beautiful card. I so appreciated her creativeness. Last year some sweet clients gave me a basket full of my favorite things, and I was totally blown away. It made me tear up. I was so thankful for them. Sweet letters from wedding clients Recently a client told me how excited her husband was AFTER the session. Yes, after! I love hearing that. He had so much fun with his family taking pictures that he looks forward to doing it again. I am NOT making this up either. Cross my heart. Another fun thing I love about my clients is I get to go to Zumba with them :) SO FUN! I love learning from my clients too. When I'm photographing them, I'm looking further into who they are as they connect with each other. When I see a deep connection, it makes me want to know them more and be apart of their family.

I might be rambling a little, but I was just thinking of you today and I wanted to say thanks for being wonderful clients and further more for your friendship. Have a blessed day my friends.

Cristy Cross Photography [website]

Today while Benson has been sleeping, I have gone through some of my family, kids, babies, and maternity sessions to update my portrait website.Go check it out! You might be on there if I've done a session for you!


And yesterday I had a session with one of the sweetest little boys.  He would hug on me and climb up in my lap while I was taking his pictures.  Such a sweet heart.  He reminded me of my little BB.

Star of the Month.Aimee

Aimee and I go way back. Way way back. We grew up together at church when we were elementary school age, were in each others weddings, and have been friends ever since. Now we get to watch each other grow as a family.I chose Aimee as the Star of the Month (or Star of every 3-months because I haven't done it in a while), because she has left tons of comments on my blog and she also inspires me and encourages me as a friend and as an artist. She too is quite the creative gal. She just recently stopped working as a handbag designer for Fossil to be a mommy to her and her husbands sweet baby girl.  The two purses I've carried for 2 years have been from her.  She also is a great illustrator with stationaries and press printed items.  She sews, screen prints, and decorates.  You can check out her blog here and stay up on the latest styles.
