Yellow and Gray Intimate Clovis, New Mexico Wedding Sneak Peek

You guys! Let me just say that it touches my heart deeply when a former youth group teen (Ben and I used to help out with our church youth group back in 2007-2008) is getting married and you see her and her soon-to-be-hubby walking with God and basing their relationship on God together as a couple. I was so blessed to witness Emily and Jacob's marriage to each other yesterday. She had the most beautiful smile on her face ALL day long and it was infectious. Congratulations you two!! Yellow and Gray Intimate Clovis, New Mexico Wedding taken by Clovis Wedding Photographer Cristy Cross_0001.jpg

And you might say, it was a little windy yesterday. That veil was flying high as a kite. Yellow and Gray Intimate Clovis, New Mexico Wedding taken by Clovis Wedding Photographer Cristy Cross_0002.jpg