Woodland Fairytale spin on Cake Pops.Clovis Wedding Photographer

Ya know those cute cake pops from Starbucks? Well, a couple of years ago my friend introduced me to cake balls, or as we called them "baby cakes". They are this yummy goodness rolled up into a tiny little ball full of flavor. So delicious, and so sweet. And they are exactly like the cake pops, but with a stick, and since they are such a craze right now, I wanted to try and make them myself. I also gathered my ideas from Family Circle magazine. They had the cutest ideas to decorate a woodland fairytale birthday party. One of the ideas was red frosted cupcakes with white candies on top to look like a little mushroom. And since I wanted to make cake pops, and loved the woodland idea, I decided to mesh them together.

Cake Pops are good for: bridal/wedding showers family and friends with sweet tooth baby showers kids Easter party Sunday School birthday parties

Here is the recipe I followed.


clovis-portrait-photographer_cake-pops3 clovis-portrait-photographer_cake-pops clovis-portrait-photographer_cake-pops4 Purchased lollipop sticks at Hobby Lobby (Michael's or other craft store) clovis-portrait-photographer_cake-pops2 Purchased chocolate colored wafers (red-no food coloring necessary) at Hobby Lobby (Michael's or other craft store) clovis-portrait-photographer_cake-pops5 clovis-portrait-photographer_cake-pops6

Tell Me a Story.Clovis Wedding Photographer

Hello old church. Tell me your story. What was it like for people to gather in your place and sing Gods praise? What was it like to have weddings there many moons ago? What was it like when people wrote on your walls, after you had been sitting there for decades saying, "bless the people who once gathered here". And what was it like to hold peoples joy, sorrow, worries, and happiness as they sat in your pews waiting to give them to the Lord? I look at this building and can't help but think of all the history that took place there. The walls inside and out, the many hands that held the step railing as they entered the white building, and the small stage where the preachers once stood-all tell a story. A story that I can only imagine, and I imagine it being a great one.


Bid on a One-on One mentor session with Cristy Cross in the 2011 Thirst Relief Auction

*Update* Auction ends in 3 hours. Get your bids in!! Grow as a photographer while saving lives!

I'm participating in the 2011 ThirstRelief Mentor Auction. Our mission is to save lives by tapping into the incredible talent and generosity of the photo industry.

Did you know that every 15 seconds someone dies of a waterborne illness? That's 5760 people every day! You can help. Bid on a mentoring session with your favorite photographer!

100% of the proceeds directly benefit Thirst Relief. Add to that the incredible wisdom and talent that is being shared in the one-on-one mentor sessions and you have better and more successful photographers! It's truly a win win for everyone involved! About me and my mentor auction:

I am a portrait and wedding photographer, but first and foremost I am a wife and a mom and work from home. I enjoy being a mom as well as a photographer. I would love to mentor someone who is wanting to learn more about how to succeed a photography business while being a wife and a mom and even though I'm still learning how to do this myself, I can also provide knowledge on how to balance the two-personal life and a business. I graduated from Texas Tech University with a degree in photography. I have had my business for 4 1/2 years and God keeps showing me new things and blessing the business. The mentor session is a 1 hour session over the phone. The topics are yours so think of questions you want to discuss. They can be from where do you get your inspiration, to how do you run a photography business, to who I use for my products.

My mentor session will take place on the phone. Also included with my auction:

Included in your mentor session you will receive a Cristy Cross Photography t-shirt, a list of businesses I use, where I get my inspiration, and the my camera equipment. To bid on my auction, visit thirstrelief.shootq.com! bencristy

Lubbock TX Portrait Photographer.McAden Family and my best friend

Last weekend I went to Lubbock and I photographed my best friend, Danica and her beautiful family. And then I had to snag some images of Danica by herself, because she just looked too gorgeous not to. Just to let ya know-I do travel to Lubbock for sessions ALL the time. And there is no travel fee. So...If you want a session for you Lubbock peeps, just let me know! cristy@cristycross.com


The Light Show

Oh my wonderful and Awesome God.  Look what he has been up to tonight.  This has been going on for as long as an hour now.  There is no thunder, only lighting.  And it keeps popping out lighting streaks that would blow your mind.  I tried to video tape it, and then took nearly 100 images, but nothing will compare the actual face-to-face exposure. God is so wonderful and creative.  Just look at what he can do.  He commanded the lighting to strike and it did. Psalm 148:6-10

If you watch the clouds, it looks like they are circling around a party that is sound proof and all you can see are the lights being set off every other milli-second.  It is SO cool!!

Clovis, New Mexico lighting storm May, 25 2010

A present for you

My birthday is this Saturday, and I'd like to celebrate it with my clients. ALL who currently have a web gallery up will receive $25 off  when you place an order today, May 13th-May 16th.This offer ends Sunday night. So go getcha some pictures. Its on me. Go here to to view your galleries.

And I also wanted to share this beautiful image of Tayley and Cameron. Another canvas print that NEEDS to be on their wall. Tayley and Cameron Clovis, Nm

Thinking outside the box. AIWL part one. New Mexico Photographer

*Updated*A few more from the Alice in Wonderland shoot (AIWL) More images and full write up coming soon... Cristy Cross Photography, Alice In Wonderland themed shoot

Dreams do come true. New Mexico Photographer

Today was the day. It was the day where all of the ideas in my head would come out and be put into production. I can't believe it. It was more than I could have ever dreamed of. It was better than I could have ever imagined. I was overwhelmed with joy by all the people who helped out and made this day possible. This shoot was definitely not a "one man" gig. Each and every piece of this day was compiled and designed by some amazing people with crazy amazing minds.Here is one from my Alice In Wonderland Themed shoot I have been dreaming of for a year.

Cristy Cross Photography, Alice In Wonderland themed shoot

New Mexico Senior Session. Gab 2010

Gab's senior session is not your typical senior session. I had a concept for her. She is unique, and I wanted to give her something different.Theme: An Artist (because that is what Gab does) She and I together (along with some of Benson's help) put together the newspaper backdrop. I wanted to include some bright colors to reflect her bright and spunky personality Also, in search for a bouquet, I decided to do something unique and went with radishes. I love Gab's clothing choices. She was her own stylist. And a great one at that!

There was no possible way for me to post a few from her session. Our creativity put together resulted in the images below. And I am so excited about them all. Gab looks so lovely and beautiful in everyone of these images. Take a looksy...

Clients who make me happy

I have been blessed with great clients over the past 3 1/2 years I've been in business. My clients honestly have become friends of mine too. I have been thinking today about them (you) and they (you) put a smile on my face.A few things they have done that make me smile: Thank you letters in the mail: One girl sent me a thank you note that she had made. She loves to do scrap book stuff and and made me a beautiful card. I so appreciated her creativeness. Last year some sweet clients gave me a basket full of my favorite things, and I was totally blown away. It made me tear up. I was so thankful for them. Sweet letters from wedding clients Recently a client told me how excited her husband was AFTER the session. Yes, after! I love hearing that. He had so much fun with his family taking pictures that he looks forward to doing it again. I am NOT making this up either. Cross my heart. Another fun thing I love about my clients is I get to go to Zumba with them :) SO FUN! I love learning from my clients too. When I'm photographing them, I'm looking further into who they are as they connect with each other. When I see a deep connection, it makes me want to know them more and be apart of their family.

I might be rambling a little, but I was just thinking of you today and I wanted to say thanks for being wonderful clients and further more for your friendship. Have a blessed day my friends.


I just received this email today and wanted to say thank you to Amy-Rose.  It was very encouraging to me and makes me  happy to know someone is praying blessings over me. "Hey-I just discovered your website through another photographer friend who keeps up with your stuff.  I just want to say how much I've enjoyed your work.  I pray God continues to bless you in all that you do.  Thanks for the inspiration and fresh sense of style!



Because of Benson

Many reasons for why I love this picture:The handcrafted newspaper backdrop Colors of the flowers and books The way her leg is bent just a bit Bright and color Anthropologie rug Most of all though, I love this picture because this is her honest reaction when her mom said, "act like Benson gave those flowers to you." And that just touched my heart. I'm even tearing up now. Our baby boy turns two tomorrow and I couldn't be happier, but at the same time sad that he is growing so fast. We have been unbelievably blessed with our mini-Ben. gv_6159cblog

Family and Art

Back in January we visited my grandma in Tahoka, Tx for our annual New Years Mexican Stacks get-together. I took my camera along with me because I haven't been to Tahoka in several years. I grew up there and have some fond memories of the very small town. While Ben and Benson took a nap, I ventured out and about the Tahoka roads to find some lovely treasures that only a small town can offer. I also haven't posted any pictures of Ben lately. So here is one of my recent favorites that was taken in Tahoka. I am trying to gather up pictures of all three of us individually to create a 9-8x8 canvas collage in our living room and this is one of them. img_5838b

Benson's  reflection through my grandmas screen doorimg_5828-copybwb

logo for a lumber companyimg_5874b

the antique store that is a bit of an antique itselfimg_5859bwb